My time is shrinking here in the city as slowly i am creating the steps along with appointments in my daytimer to move forward towards my upcoming Artist Residency.
I am making the most of city time this summer and let me tell ya i am having a hell of a good time.. the pics give some view into my creative stepping..
July 17-19....Vancouver Folk Festival,i wasn't planning on attending but there i was live in the middle of world music land. Friends asked if i could give them time in their booths and i was more than,music,connecting with peeps that i hadn't seen for some time as i had been away for a year.
One of the things that i often do is leave open spaces in my days which allows spontaneity through a day,week etc and i love seeing what shows up. Something that many friends will hear me say is"Remain Open" it works ya know!!!
The following pics:
I am so proud to write a little about this awesome project that my friends are creating for abandoned children in Guatemala. Please go and check their site out and find out what its all about...(this is one of the booths at folk festival i helped out at.
Don't ya love this Harry Potter hat!!! I saw these all about the folk festival aren't they fun and inexpensive ($20) no i didn't get one...changes were made from the informal market that was along the Jericho Beach during the festival and they fenced them in and charged the vendors less than what the vendors inside the festival paid yep thats what ya call politics... put in some awesome time here at this kewl booth and it smelled awesome all that down home soap.i use and love the gals products!!!!
Illuminares Lantern Festival
lantern making workshops...over a two week period a space within the Trout Lake Community Centre is transformed into a fun creative making space for all ages. I had the pleasure this year of volunteering to facilitate the diverse range of lantern making. my first volunteer time out i became hooked. The room was full of newbies and vetrans all working towards the outcome of making a lantern.
The end result is the illuminary parade on Saturday night
(July 25)...
Well that gives ya all a peek at my creative stroll as of late..stay tuned this week for Create On 2....
In Artistic Solidarity;