Saturday, July 30, 2011

Plan Not To Plan

Hola Amiga's and Amigo's;

I'm somewhat close to being ready to launch into my new life although when u look about its utter chaos around here.

There has been lots of learning that I've gained from choosing to move on from Canada,some of that learning has been downright emotional..guess u are getting the picture that my heart is open and i am totally exposed this is what is called wide open people.

Life is an ongoing journey, now I'm not saying its been smooth sailing,there have been some ruts that I've tumbled into from time to time and Murphy's law has come a knocking for short visits.

Plan not to Plan is a fitting title for this posting as i had a master moving plan and boy it was pretty everything right down to the detail..In my head it ebbed and flowed my plan with beautiful classical music playing quietly in the background,OK well now lets talk about the reality.

1. I live in a rural location well if that's not enough there are no service pick ups out here. OK there is but at outrageous prices.

2. there is one of me

3. I have way too much crap( I'm past using the word stuff or treasures as this shit is outta here..gone is the attachment)

4. I have the worst stairs in the world quite steep.

5.International moves have different requirements in packing

6. The what the hell do i do with the stuff I'm keeping(way way less then when i started out)

7. Good Boxes cost money!!!

8. The reality of flying with a pet( holy!! this is a whole post in itself)

9. The ideal of thinking I'll meet my outta of here timeline...... right!!!
and so on etc............

So my initial plan has been shot by the reality of the actual day to day plan...That's the downside of my present reality...There is an upside its called the unexpected...

1. The help time from friends and goddess knows I've needed it...its manifested in so many ways

2. Gifts and surprises( ugh my tear ducts are working )

3. Pick me ups....I've needed to be picked up several times when i have hit the wall and now especially when i am almost to the finish calls,face to face visits

4. Reality shortage of those and u know who u are!!!

5. REALLY!!! The LOVE AND HONOUR from so many of ya...

So the plan was thrown out the window awhile back and now i am free flowing emotions and no worries if u see me mumbling away to myself,looking all intense, moving at a faster pace then normal...Let me go cause i am on a Mission making my way to Mexico on Manana (meaning: Tomorrow) time

Learning and Loving Rhonda

1.beautiful necklace from my friend Violette made by her

2.My lucky Catcus, my friend Cindy made for me..."People Love to Give Me Money"

3. Kasper boxed and ready to go

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I remember getting ready to move here (to Canada) it was CRAZY! I actually had a three bedroom house full of stuff. It was the day the new owner was moving in and I was still moving out. Day after day I begged friends to help, and either they couldn't or they said they would and didn't show up. She showed up with billions of family and friends, and in the end a friend of hers threw the last of my stuff into some boxes and I got out of there - without even checking to see if I had left anything!!! Goddess Bless you and all your angels and helper elves! My love to you. Ann
