Its been a long spring don't ya think....people,places and situations are springing about....the swirl is about transformation inside and out...
My creative soup has been simmering in the studio for quite awhile now in fact its coming to a full boil....
I've used so many ingredients that are on hand and passed onto me..
I truly believe it takes a community to support an Artist and most certainly i can give testimony to that.
So much has been added to the studio soup pot that it almost runneth over despite the full boil. When one makes a commitment to a dream hold on for the
the ride of your life,regardless of how its framed in this writing as soup..its a wild i am not a roller coaster fan except from the sidelines but seeing those
dips,sharp turns and speed has been my ride as of late on land.
I wonder can one be over focused..well i am to the point that i am dropping balls such as social engagements unless they come to me here in the outback
and then i impose limits because creative time is so precious.but honestly i feel OK out here rattling around with my cats and creative collections..OK maybe its
the change of life upon me to which is adding to the wild ride. Don't get me wrong
i do not complain,however its an intense time of completing wrapped in full on creativity. This has been a time where i find out who i am on levels that
were unknown to me.Out of the soup comes a stronger resolve,confidence and such sweet peace with strong dashes of happiness. So this is what it means
to me to be creating a-way!!
The many details outside of hands on work is huge....i had no idea that so much went into a solo gallery show..I thank my village and community for raising me up
to be who i am and for your ongoing support that shows up in diverse ways.My creative soup bubbles and babbles away as new things,thoughts,experiences
are added.So my people Create On!!!
Thanx for stopping in..good to see ya
In Artistic Solidarity;
1.Old Blue...given to me by one of the locals who moved,i go between riding my bike and walking in the mornings...
2. Show Piece- "Deception"
3. "They Call Me A Person Of Color"(work in progress)
4. ask and ya shall receive......bottle caps given to me by one of the local restaurants(its a great Thai restaurant)
5. Show Piece-"Emily Post Guide to Cell Phones"